Amazon Studios
The Rings of Power SEASON TWO
Main Title Sequence


We returned to working with show creators J.D. Payne, Patrick McKay, and Lindsay Weber to evolve and craft an all new title for Season 2.

For season two, the sequence reveals the birth of nineteen rings and the rise of Sauron. Forges flow, evil tendrils creep, and constellations hold imagery of mythical gates, corrupted sigils, and the Balrog… among many other stories that unfold in the writhing sand.

We evolved the new scenes from the original visual foundation of cymatics, a natural phenomenon that makes sound visible to the eye - inspired by J.R.R Tolkien’s “Ainur”, whose music created the Tolkien universe.

  • Lead Design Studio: Plains Of Yonder
    Directors: Katrina Crawford & Mark Bashore
    Art Directors: Katrina Crawford & Fernando Domínguez Cózar
    Animation Director: Fernando Domínguez Cózar
    3D Animation Lead: Mauro Gimferrer
    Live Action Directors: Katrina Crawford & Fernando Domínguez Cózar
    Editor: Mark Bashore
    Typography & Animation: Jason Esser
    Original Cymatics Concept: Anthony Vitagliano
    Executive Producer: Paul Williamson

    3D Visual Effects Studio: MakMac
    3DArt Director, Lead 3D Artist: Mauro Gimferrer
    3D Artist: Marcos Coral
    3D Artist: J.A Duran

    Visual Effects & Compositing Studio: El Ranchito
    VFX Supervisor: Angel Rico Riesgo
    VFX Producer: Deneb Sabater
    VFX Production Coordinator: Rubén Bustos Aguado
    Lead Compositing Artist: Chiara Feriani
    Compositing Artist: Santi Martos
    Compositing Artist: Guillermo Ramos González
    Compositing Artist: David Ramírez
    Head of VFX Editorial: Aníbal del Busto
    VFX Editorial: Carlos G. Cardoso
    VFX Editorial: Jerome Juan

    Color Grading: Adriana Solé / El Ranchito, Madrid & Company3, London

    Calligrapher: Daniel Reeve
    Music Composer: Howard Shore


Apple TV;High Desert


Apple TV;Time Bandits Main Titles