The White Lotus SEASON THREE
Main Title Sequence


Privilege, pleasure and pain reach their tipping point and detonate under a heat lamp of Thai luxury.

We returned again to work with Mike White in opening the gates to The White Lotus. Seven ornately painted murals hold stories when discovered in detail. Deep jungles, villages, temples, steaming lagoons, epic battles, and disasters-at-sea hold potential themes and character profiles. The line between enlightenment and instinct, between man and animal, coils ever tighter.

  • Directors: Katrina Crawford & Mark Bashore

    Executive Producer: Paul Williamson

    Lead 3D Artist: Mauro Gimferrer, Makmac

    3D Artist: Marcos Coral, Makmac

    3D Artist: Arturo Gulín

    3D Artist: J.A. Durán

    Editors: Mark Bashore & Katrina Crawford

    Still Photography: Dan McComb & Katrina Crawford

    Color Grading, 2D Animation and Compositing: Jeremy Stuart

    Additional Illustrations: Torin Bashore

    Photoshop Compositing: Lezio Lopes

    Additional 3D Experimentation: Austin Marola


Netflix;The Decameron Main Title Sequence